WCI, Inc
Jan. 4, 2021

Four HR Trends in 2021

Sabrina Williams, Chief Inclusion Officer at Curriculum Associates, an education tech company, predicts there are four top HR trends that will unfold in 2021. Williams says HR should expect to see the following:

1. Remote work is here to stay; recruiting and benefits will shift accordingly. The remote workforce will jump to 20 percent or more, with many employees opting to continue remote or hybrid work models even once the pandemic is over. By switching to virtual recruiting and AI-powered onboarding, companies have saved thousands of dollars in travel and other costs. With less employees working in the office, benefits will shift from on-site amenities to flexible work hours, childcare support, Wi-Fi / cell phone reimbursement, and virtual fitness benefits.

2. Employers will expand mental health resources. The last year has been tough on everyone, from balancing work with increased family responsibilities to the loneliness of quarantine bubbles to the important dialogues about racial justice, and this will continue into 2021. As a result, employers will take on more responsibility for providing mental health resources and support.

3. The breakdown of work/home barriers will bring DEI further to the forefront. In 2020, companies across the country committed to increasing their focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and in 2021, they’ll have to put those promises into action. By being able to hire from anywhere, employers greatly increase their candidate pool, enabling them to push even harder for diversity in their workforce.

4. Debate over remote workers’ salary will intensify. With remote employees able to work from anywhere and having less commute/clothing expenses than in-person employees, some employers are beginning to argue for adjusted remote wages. However, studies have shown remote workers are more productive and save employers money in rent and other overhead expenses, presenting the argument that employers should instead provide raises accordingly.

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