Employment Surveys
WCI produces several different kinds of surveys for employers that are valuable tools for measuring workplace culture, compensation trends, and specific practices, to help you develop a strategic culture of employee retention.
Employee Opinion Surveys
WCI's Employee Opinion Survey provides management with in-depth analytics, accurate insights, and meaningful measurements of actual workplace culture, complete with WCI expert data interpretation and recommendations. It also includes a proprietary index of engagement and vulnerability.
This is an employee opinion and workplace culture analysis that:
- Asks 27 carefully crafted questions about the company, supervision, work environment, communications, motivation, and support for the company
- This proprietary survey tool is not customizable (ask us about custom employee surveys)
- Measures and builds separate reports for management, technical/professional, and hourly employee groups by shift and supervisor
- Analyzes statistics, critical issues, and culture from statistical and narrative data, supplied by employees and analyzed by experts
- Provides professional recommendations for any area that may need remedial action to ensure good attitudes and employee engagement
- Presents final results to company management in an executive wrap session with documentation
- Improves employee relations, determines union vulnerability, and strengthens employee loyalty
For more information, contact Wendy Ratcliff at 828.667.3311 or [email protected]
HR Quick Surveys
HR Quick Surveys are available only to members and are a great way to find out what other employers are doing in specific areas.
- To view past survey results, go to the HR Quick Survey web page (login required)
- Quick Surveys go out only to those who have signed-up. Participants are notified by email when a survey is open, complete the survey online, and are notified when the results have been compiled.
- To participate in our Quick Surveys, sign up here (login required).
- To request a Quick Survey, submit your question here (login required). We will develop the survey and schedule it.
Policies & Benefits Survey
Having a competitive benefits package as part of your organization’s total rewards program is important for effective recruiting and for retaining talent. Every 2 years, WCI conducts the Southeast Policies & Benefits Survey, co-sponsored by WCI (NC) and by Employers Network (SC).
This survey is a great source for local, regional, and valuable data on a variety of topics, including PTO practices, 401k vesting and matching contributions, premium pay (shift differentials) and employee recognition activities. In addition, current topics like flexible schedules, parental leave, corporate/social responsibility, and wellness initiatives are covered.
Order the 2024 Southeast Policies & Benefits Survey here.
The 2024 Policies & Benefits Survey is currently being processed for publication this spring. Organizations that provided data for the survey will receive a complimentary electronic copy of the full results. Non-participating members can purchase the report at a discounted price.
Wage & Salary Survey
The Southeast Compensation Survey is co-sponsored by WCI (NC) and Employers Network (SC). Participating members receive the final report at no charge. Participating non-members receive those portions of the survey report to which they contributed data at no charge. Non-participants can order this survey below.
This report presents data submitted by 134 unique employers for 396 hourly and salaried positions throughout Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina. Employer input is based on second-quarter payroll information and includes demographics, pay structure, pay practices, and current year and projected base pay increases. Respondents matched jobs in their organization to jobs in the survey and provided compensation data for matching employees.
Wage and salary surveys are valuable tools for determining how an organization's pay relates to others in a given area. This data should be used with other reliable data sources such as BLS data and national surveys. WCI can provide additional compensation data for our members as requested.
Order the 2023 Southeast Compensation Survey here.
This compensation survey will be updated in 2024, with data collection during May and June, with publication by September 1. To participate and get the survey free, click here.