WCI, Inc

PDP Dynametrics

What are your top challenges?

  • Recruiting, interviewing, or selection
  • Managing your employees for performance
  • Stress, low morale, or unmotivated employees
  • Conflict or communication issues
  • Turnover, productivity, or company culture

What will this cost your company if not resolved? According to Gallup, replacing an employee can cost 150% of their annual pay.

A solution for employee selection and retention

For the past few years, the employer members of WCI have struggled with the challenges of finding, selecting, and retaining the best workers. It has been WCI's goal to find workable solutions to the biggest challenges our members face, and we believe we have found a solution for employee selection and retention. We are continuing to explore the supply issue, but in the meantime, hiring the right people and not losing your current employees can be addressed with the PDP services now offered. PDP is the proven system that inspires your culture and ignites productivity. Like AI, it's an up-and-coming technology developed to help employers eliminate bad hires and keep their talent.

PDP services

WCI is licensed to represent, consult, train, and offer PDP services and systems. PDP (Professional DynaMetric Programs) is a complete system that measures the dynamics of individuals (ProScan), job positions (JobScan), and teams (TeamScan). Working from individual strengths, identified by the ProScan tool, the PDP system identifies behavioral traits, energy for work, personal stress, and motivators that affect employee satisfaction and performance.

PDP uses proven scientific technology that has been field tested over 6 million times, is rated as 98% accurate, is EEOC and ADA compliant, and frequently re-validated. It is used by Chick-fil-A, Hertz, multiple WCI members, and hundreds of other companies in many countries. Using our PDP tools and services will pay for themselves by reducing turnover and improving retention and engagement. For more information, use the form at the bottom of this web page, or contact David Snook at [email protected] or 828.210.1203. You can also contact Terry Childers at [email protected] or 828.413.7899.

PDP, Professional DynaMetric Programs, ProScan, JobScan, and TeamScan are registered trademarks of PDP, Inc. and used in this website by permission.

ProScan isn’t just another behavioral assessment. It’s proven to help organizations hire the best people, retain and promote top talent, and enable effective team communication. Behavioral assessments—done right—can save you time and money on hiring. They can help you find the candidates that will ensure you build a functional team and productive, positive team culture. Before you give up on behavioral assessments, here’s how PDP behavioral assessments work and why they’re so effective.

PDP Global

ProScan behavioral assessments

The ProScan instrument measures personal dynamics—how individuals act, react, communicate, lead, and manage stress. ProScan dynametrics include:

  • Behavioral traits (dominance, extroversion, pace, conformity)
  • Decision-making style (factual or intuitive logic)
  • Energy metrics—energy styles and energy level
  • Trait adjustments due to external and internal pressure
  • Satisfaction index (employee morale)
  • Energy drain and available energy level
  • Motivators and overriding needs

New WCI member benefit

We invite you to experience the PDP ProScan for yourself. As a WCI member, your company is now offered:

  • Up to 3 free ProScans for your HR and decision-making professionals
  • ProScans are completed online in less than 10 uninterrupted minutes
  • Your member benefit includes a certified review of your results
  • And a brief example of how to use this tool for NO MORE BAD HIRES

JobScan position assessments

The JobScan instrument measures the dynamics of the position—the key behavioral traits and energy metrics the position requires in order to be successful on the job. JobScan dynametrics include:

  • Behavioral traits needed for that role
  • Decision-making style on the job
  • Energy styles (how tasks and projects are completed)
  • Energy level (the amount available for work)

Assessments from peak performers and managers are used to build a job model for a position, which is then used to measure and score candidates for that job to ensure the best selection, performance, and retention.

TeamScan group dynamics

TeamScan builds on the individual metrics of ProScan by combining a team's dynametrics into several application reports. Designed to enhance the understanding of team culture and performance, TeamScan improves working relationships and solidifies bonds by revealing individual and collective strengths and guiding more effective communication and conflict resolution. 

How WCI can help you build a high-performance team:

  • ProScan invitations sent to all team members,
  • WCI conducts quick feedback sessions with team members,
  • A TeamScan is created with up to 9 report options based on the focus of the team session, and
  • A 2-4 team session is conducted, as either an onsite or offsite workshop to build your team.

ProScan manager certification

Help your managers become more effective leaders by equipping them with behavioral insights about themselves and their direct reports. Research shows that 57% of employees leave due to poor management, and this training program is a great companion to WCI's Supervisory Development.

  • What makes people tick, and what ticks them off.
  • Understand employee behavioral traits and how to manage them accordingly.
  • How to communicate more effectively and prevent meltdowns and backlash.
  • Improve productivity by understanding their natural likes and dislikes.
  • How to interpret and leverage PDP Manager QuickView reports

This is a 3- to 4-hour online course that requires a 75% passing score. A PDP rep from WCI will personally guide the manager through this program.

Tell me more about PDP

2 Town Square Blvd, Suite 370, Asheville, NC 28803 +1 (800) 621-2685 [email protected]