WCI, Inc
Feb. 12, 2020

The PRO Act Revealed

At WCI, we're always looking out for employers, especially our members. A piece of legislation is currently under consideration in the US Congress. It's called the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 2474 and S. 1306). On behalf of NC employers, we have joined forces with the NC Chamber and the other employer associations in NC to oppose this bill and urge the elected members of the NC Congressional Delegation to do likewise.

Should this bill become law, it would tilt the labor-management playing field too far in favor of unions and cut the heart out of our state's Right-to-Work laws. It would also establish a "card-check" process, deny individuals the ability to work independently, allow unions to launch disruptive activities, add liability to employers, impose mandatory union contracts, increase litigation, and overrule balanced precedents.

You can read our full response by viewing our joint letter.

2 Town Square Blvd, Suite 370, Asheville, NC 28803 +1 (800) 621-2685 [email protected]