WCI, Inc
May 16, 2023

What candidates want

iHire has published a new research report uncovering job seekers’ preferences when searching for work. The What Candidates Want: 2023 Job Seeker Report details the results of iHire’s survey of a Qualtrics panel comprising 600 working professionals in all industries across the United States.

The following is a sampling of iHire’s survey findings:

  • Candidates want employers to communicate openly and honestly throughout the recruitment process. 95.5 percent of respondents want employers to acknowledge they’ve received their application after applying for a job online, and 81.8 percent want employers to inform them if they are disqualified from a job. Moreover, 38.7 percent of candidates said they would be less likely to interact with a brand in the future if they apply for a job and don't hear back from the company.
  • Candidates want to know salary ranges – and a lack of pay transparency can be a dealbreaker. 78.5 percent of candidates would be more likely to apply for a job if the salary was listed in the ad, while 44.7 percent said they would not apply if the salary was not specified.
  • Candidates want some form of in-person work, but remote work options remain essential. 67.8 percent of respondents preferred either an in-person work environment (36.3 percent) or hybrid arrangement (31.5 percent). However, remote work was still a “must-have” for many job seekers: 42.7 percent of candidates said remote work was one of the most important aspects of their job search, and 27.2 percent said they wouldn’t bother applying for a job if remote work was not an option.
  • Candidates want employers to embrace fair, unbiased hiring practices. Although only 16.8 percent of respondents said a company’s commitment to DE&I was among the most important aspects of their job search, 41.7 percent said they would be more likely to apply for a job if they knew the employer used “blind” or “anonymous” recruitment tools to reduce bias and increase diversity hiring.
  • Candidates want employers to value their time, especially if they are putting in the work. While 62.6 percent of candidates want to spend less than 20 minutes on an online application, they are making an effort to get in front of employers: 57.7 percent customize their resume for the position they’re applying for “always” or “most of the time,” and 55.7 percent include a cover letter “always” or “most of the time” even if it’s not required. Additionally, 74.5 percent of candidates follow up on their applications “always” or “most of the time.”
  • Candidates want employment options beyond traditional full-time roles, particularly part-time jobs. 57.3 percent of respondents were interested in part-time work, compared to 51.7 percent interested in full-time opportunities. A portion of candidates were also looking for temporary jobs (17.8 percent), gig work (17.7 percent), and seasonal jobs (17.3 percent).
  • Candidates want to work for a company with a positive employer brand – and they want proof. 37.5 percent of candidates said a company’s reputation as a good place to work was one the most important factors in their job search, while 76.0 percent research the hiring company before applying for a job “always” or “most of the time.” Of those who do their research, 65.7 percent said they want to read employee reviews/testimonials to gauge what it’s really like to work for the company.

“Our research underscores the importance of a candidate-centric approach to hiring, as themes such as transparency, communication, flexibility, equity, and empathy appeared throughout survey responses,” said Steve Flook, iHire’s President and CEO. “We found it fascinating that nearly 40 percent of job seekers would be less likely to interact with a brand if they received a poor candidate experience. Employers who treat applicants well will not only have a competitive edge when it comes to recruiting, but also in their overall success as a business.”

Source: iHire.

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