WCI, Inc

Next HR Training Seminar

HR3 - Transform Your Team by Managing the 3 D's

Your team won't be as effective or as productive as it can be if it is experiencing distrust, drama, or disengagement. This regional seminar features Leslie Speas, President of InfluenceHR Consulting, whose mission is to help busy leaders retain, engage, and develop their talent for organizational health. In this seminar you'll learn:

  • How distrust, drama, and disengagement damage the workplace.
  • Discover practical tips you can use to deal with these damaging D's.
  • How to get low drama, high-performing teams of trusting collaboration.

More on teams

We offer four (4) regional, in-person seminars each year, prepared with HR professionals in mind. Additional topics are being developed for 2024 with an overall focus on the best practices for Team Building that will be offered during February, March, September, and November. Registration will be available here while open.

2 Town Square Blvd, Suite 370, Asheville, NC 28803 +1 (800) 621-2685 [email protected]