EXA Survey Section
The Employee Experience
The changing world we live in calls for a better way to attract and retain talent. As the influence of Millennials grows, employees have more career autonomy than ever before, and expect a work experience that is productive, engaging, and enjoyable. A job with a paycheck is not enough. To compete, employers must develop a new "employment contract" that consists of a productive and positive employee experience at every stage. The better the experience, the better the performance. However, this cannot be guessed with any accuracy. It must be measured in a meaningful way by an outside third party.
How to Measure Employee Experience
Each of your employees has an opinion or perspective on what it's like to work in your organization. Most employees will NOT openly share those opinions directly with their employer, and internal surveys have notoriously low completion rates and little openness. As a member of WCI, we will collect this information for you online, as an outside organization that ensures anonymity. Employees are much more likely to share how they really feel this way. Plus, our many years of experience using our Employee Opinion Survey tool, along with our analyses and recommendations, will provide you with the collective information you need to accurately measure and improve the experience of your employees.
The EXA Tool
WCI has developed a system for collecting, analyzing, and reporting the overall employee experience as well as many related metrics. Our Employee Experience Analysis (EXA) is a high-resolution snapshot of your workforce, tabulated as needed demographically, analyzed by our HR advisors, and presented to your executive team with recommendations for improvement. You should expect your improvements to more than cover the cost of your EXA through the improved performance of employees enjoying an even better experience. Here's what EXA measures:
- 30 basic factors that make up the overall employee experience, with scores by employee category, length of service, age (generations), and work group
- 5 major factors of direct supervision, the company, positive work environment, job satisfaction, and personal wellbeing are also scored in 10 ways by employee category, length of service, age (generations), and work group
- The workplace culture factors that are in great shape, along with the factors that need improvement
- Customization and the ability for employees to write comments can be added to any EXA (fee)
For more information or pricing, contact David Snook at 828-667-3311 or [email protected]